Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
19th-Century European Phil PHIL209 Course
20th Century French Philosophy PHIL215 Course
20th Century French Philosophy PHIL335 Course
20th-Century European Philosop PHIL341 Course
A History of the Apocalypse THEOREL302 Course
A History of the Apocalypse THEOREL202 Course
A Major Religious Thinker THEOREL200 Course
A Major Religious Thinker THEOREL300 Course
Academic Literacy 1 TFCENG91F Course
Academic Literacy 2 TFCENG92F Course
Adolescent Fiction ENGLISH345 Course
Adv Playwriting DRAMA720B Course
Adv Stud in Rhetoric and Comp ENGLISH758 Course
Advanced Language Study Part 1 GREEK300 Course
Advanced Language Study Part 1 LATIN300 Course
Advanced Language Study Part 2 GREEK310 Course
Advanced Language Study Part 2 LATIN310 Course
Advanced Logic PHIL305 Course
Advanced Playwriting DRAMA720 Course
Advanced Playwriting DRAMA720U Course
Advanced Playwriting DRAMA720A Course
African and Caribbean Lit ENGLISH346 Course
African-American Freedom HISTORY208 Course
African-American Freedom HISTORY308 Course
Age of Shakespeare: Poetry ENGLISH210 Course
Age of Shakespeare: Tragedy ENGLISH213 Course
Age of Shakespeare: Tragedy ENGLISH353 Course
Anc Soc in the Mdtrean Wrld ANCIENT751B Course
Anc Soc in the Mdtrean Wrld ANCIENT751A Course
AncieEgyptianArtIcon&Narrative ANCIENT351 Course
AncieEgyptianArtIcon&Narrative ANCIENT251 Course
Ancient Egyptian History ANCHIST100 Course
Ancient Egyptian History ANCIENT100 Course
Ancient Greek History ANCIENT102 Course
Ancient Greek History ANCHIST102 Course
Ancient Greek Lang Acqn Inter GREEK200 Course
Ancient Greek Language 1 ANCIENT211 Course
Ancient Greek Literary Texts GREEK301 Course
Ancient Greek Literary Texts GREEK201 Course
Ancient Greek Literary Texts GREEK302 Course
Ancient Greek Literary Texts GREEK202 Course
Ancient Greek Tyranny ANCHIST222 Course
Ancient Greek Tyranny ANCHIST322 Course
Ancient Societies in the Mediterranean World ANCHIST751A Course
Ancient Societies in the Mediterranean World ANCHIST751B Course
Ancient/Medieval Phil 1 PHIL752 Course
Ancient/Medieval Phil 2 PHIL753 Course
Ancnt Greek Literary Texts 2C GREEK203 Course
Ancnt Greek Literary Texts 2D GREEK204 Course
Anglo-Dutch Early Modernity HISTORY345 Course
Anglo-Dutch Early Modernity HISTORY245 Course
Aphra Behn and the Canon ENGLISH759 Course
Applied Ethics PHIL210 Course
Applied Ethics PHIL764 Course
Apprc for the Ancient World ANCIENT750B Course
Apprc for the Ancient World ANCIENT750A Course
Art & Devotion in Nrthn Europe ARTHIST203 Course
Art & Society in Ancient Rome ANCIENT280 Course
Art & Society in Ancient Rome ANCIENT380 Course
Art and Devotion in Northern ARTHIST303 Course
Art and Revolution 1750 - 1850 ARTHIST321 Course
Art and Revolution 1750-1850 ARTHIST201 Course
Art and Society in Ancient Greece CLASSICS370 Course
Art and Society in Ancient Greece CLASSICS270 Course
Art and Society in Ancient Rome CLASSICS380 Course
Art and Society in Ancient Rome CLASSICS280 Course
Art Crime ARTHIST332 Course
Art Crime ARTHIST230 Course
Art for the City and the Court ARTHIST701A Course
Art for the City and the Court ARTHIST701B Course
Art for the City and the Court ARTHIST701 Course
Art in Context: Study Abroad ARTHIST327 Course
Art in Context: Study Abroad ARTHIST727 Course
Art of Majesty:Tudors &Stuarts ARTHIST245 Course
Art Writing & Curatorial Prac ARTHIST734B Course
Art Writing & Curatorial Prac ARTHIST734A Course
Art Writing & Curatorial Prac ARTHIST734 Course
Art Writing and Methodology ARTHIST330 Course
Arthurian Literature ENGLISH340 Course
Arthurian Literature ENGLISH746 Course
Artists and Patrons Ren Italy ARTHIST336 Course
Artists and Patrons Ren Italy ARTHIST236 Course
Arts Scholars 1 ARTSCHOL100A Course
Arts Scholars 1 ARTSCHOL100B Course
Arts Scholars 2 ARTSCHOL200A Course
Arts Scholars 2 ARTSCHOL200B Course
Arts Scholars 3 ARTSCHOL300A Course
Arts Scholars 3 ARTSCHOL300B Course
Australian History Since 1788 HISTORY333 Course
Australian History Since 1788 HISTORY233 Course
Barbarians: Antiquity to Vikings HISTORY254 Course
Barbarians: Antiquity to Vikings HISTORY354 Course
Bloodlands: Global Warfare HISTORY205 Course
Bloodlands: Global Warfare HISTORY309 Course
Body and Blood: Religious Cult HISTORY243 Course
Body and Blood: Religious Cult HISTORY356 Course
Buddhist Philosophy PHIL344 Course
Buddhist Philosophy PHIL224 Course
Capstone: Logic & Computation LOGICOMP399 Course
Chaucer Studies ENGLISH714 Course
China's Struggle for Modernity: The Republican Era HISTORY720B Course
China's Struggle for Modernity: The Republican Era HISTORY720A Course
Christianity and Modnty,1600-2 THEOREL307 Course
Christianity and Modnty,1600-2 THEOREL207 Course
Classical Chinese Philosophy PHIL214 Course
Classical Chinese Philosophy PHIL334 Course
Classical Mythology CLASSICS110G Course
Classical Mythology ANCIENT110 Course
Classical Mythology ANCIENT110G Course
Classical Mythology CLASSICS110 Course
Classical Mythology in Epic CLASSICS140 Course
Classical Tragedy CLASSICS385 Course
Classical Tragedy ANCIENT285 Course
Classical Tragedy ANCIENT385 Course
Classical Tragedy CLASSICS285 Course
Community, Society and Rights PHIL205 Course
Comparative Religion and Society THEOREL221 Course
Comparative Religion and Society THEOREL321 Course
Concepts in Contemporary Art ARTHIST725A Course
Concepts in Contemporary Art ARTHIST725B Course
Concepts in Contemporary Art ARTHIST725 Course
Contemporary Art in Aotearoa ARTHIST235 Course
Contemporary Art in AotearoaNZ ARTHIST335 Course
Contemporary Drama ENGLISH332 Course
Contemporary Pacific Art ARTHIST317 Course
Contemporary Pacific Art ARTHIST217 Course
Contemporary Poetry ENGLISH323 Course
Contemporary Theatre Practice DRAMA304 Course
Crafting your Career CAREER100 Course
Crafting your Career CAREER100G Course
Creating Stories ENGLISH207 Course
Creating Stories ENGLISH311 Course
Creative Research for Theatre DRAMA728 Course
Creative Writing CREWRIT797A Course
Creative Writing CREWRIT797B Course
Creative Writing CREWRIT797X Course
Creative Writing: Four Genres ENGLISH324 Course
Creative Writing: Introduction ENGLISH252 Course
Crisis and Change: Mid-19th Century Art in France ARTHIST202 Course
Crisis and Change: Mid-19th Century Art in France ARTHIST302 Course
Critical Issues in Māori Art ARTHIST736 Course
Critical Thinking PHIL105G Course
Critical Thinking PHIL105 Course
Critiquing the Museum HUMS300 Course
Cross-cultural Encs and Creat ARTHIST703A Course
Cross-cultural Encs and Creat ARTHIST703B Course
Culture, Nature and Ancient Philosophy CLASSICS260 Course
Culture, Nature and Ancient Philosophy CLASSICS360 Course
Danger and Desire: The Bible THEOREL315 Course
Danger and Desire: The Bible THEOREL215 Course
Democracy in the 21st Century TDDEM100 Course
Dialogues of Plato CLASSICS340 Course
Dialogues of Plato CLASSICS240 Course
Dialogues of Plato ANCIENT245 Course
Dialogues of Plato ANCIENT345 Course
Digital Humanities: From Text HUMS100G Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT719A Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT727B Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT728A Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT719 Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT728B Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT728 Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT727 Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT719B Course
Dir Study in Ancient Culture ANCIENT727A Course
Directed Studies LOGICOMP701 Course
Directed Study GREEK709A Course
Directed Study MUSEUMS761B Course
Directed Study MUSEUMS761A Course
Directed Study GREEK709B Course
Directed Study LOGICOMP703 Course
Directed Study ANCHIST304 Course
Directed Study ANCIENT304 Course
Directed Study LATIN709B Course
Directed Study LATIN305 Course
Directed Study PHIL300 Course
Directed Study LATIN709A Course
Directed Study ENGLISH785 Course
Directed Study GREEK305 Course
Directed Study MUSEUMS760 Course
Directed Study LOGICOMP300 Course
Directed Study MUSEUMS761 Course
Directed Study LATIN709 Course
Directed Study GREEK709 Course
Directed Study 1 THEOREL309 Course
Directed Study 2 THEOREL310 Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST719B Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST719A Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST727 Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST728 Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST727B Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST727A Course
Directed Study in Ancient Culture ANCHIST719 Course
Directed Study in Biblical Studies THEOLOGY735 Course
Directed Study in Drama 1 DRAMA721 Course
Directed Study in Drama 2 DRAMA722 Course
Directed Study in Playwriting DRAMA716 Course
Directing Exercises DRAMA712 Course
Directing Project DRAMA713 Course
Dissertation ANCHIST790 Course
Dissertation LATIN792A Course
Dissertation MUSEUMS792 Course
Dissertation LATIN792B Course
Dissertation DRAMA792A Course
Dissertation PHIL782Y Course
Dissertation ANCHIST792A Course
Dissertation DRAMA792B Course
Dissertation ANCHIST792 Course
Dissertation PHIL792X Course
Dissertation ANCIENT792 Course
Dissertation ANCHIST792B Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792 Course
Dissertation ANCHIST790B Course
Dissertation ANCHIST790A Course
Dissertation ARTHIST792A Course
Dissertation PHIL792V Course
Dissertation ARTHIST792 Course
Dissertation PHIL792B Course
Dissertation THEOLOGY780X Course
Dissertation ARTHIST792B Course
Dissertation GREEK792 Course
Dissertation ANCIENT792V Course
Dissertation ARTHIST790X Course
Dissertation ARTHIST790Y Course
Dissertation ANCIENT792A Course
Dissertation ARTHIST792X Course
Dissertation HISTORY780Y Course
Dissertation THEOLOGY780B Course
Dissertation MUSEUMS792V Course
Dissertation THEOLOGY780A Course
Dissertation LATIN792 Course
Dissertation PHIL792A Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792U Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792B Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792A Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792X Course
Dissertation ANCIENT792X Course
Dissertation ANCIENT792B Course
Dissertation PHIL792 Course
Dissertation THEOLOGY780 Course
Dissertation ENGLISH792Y Course
Dissertation DRAMA792 Course
Dissertation LATIN792X Course
Dissertation GREEK792A Course
Dissertation MUSEUMS792A Course
Dissertation MUSEUMS792B Course
Dissertation GREEK792B Course
Drama and the Mind DRAMA708 Course
Drama on Stage and Screen ENGLISH109 Course
Drama: Topics and Themes DRAMA301 Course
Dynasties, Democracy, Empire ANCHIST110 Course
Dynasties, Democracy, Empire ANCIENT104 Course
Early Christianity THEOREL216 Course
Early Christianity THEOREL316 Course
Early Egypt ANCHIST253 Course
Early Egypt ANCIENT253 Course
Early Egypt ANCIENT353 Course
Early Egypt ANCHIST353 Course
Early Jewish and Christian Texts THEOLOGY707A Course
Early Jewish and Christian Texts THEOLOGY707B Course
Early Modern China & Japan HISTORY335 Course
Early Modern China & Japan HISTORY225 Course
Early Modern Japan 1600-1868 HISTORY242 Course
Early Modern Japan 1600-1868 HISTORY342 Course
Early Modern Japanese Lives HISTORY707B Course
Early Modern Japanese Lives HISTORY707A Course
Early Rome ANCHIST254 Course
Early Rome ANCIENT254 Course
Early Rome ANCHIST354 Course
Early Rome ANCIENT354 Course
Early Texts: Modern Inventions ENGLISH214 Course
Egypt in Dynasties XI-XVII ANCHIST230 Course
Egypt in Dynasties XI-XVII ANCHIST330 Course
Egypt in Dynasty XVIII ANCHIST300 Course
Egypt in Dynasty XVIII ANCHIST200 Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCIENT729B Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCHIST729B Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCHIST729A Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCIENT729A Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCHIST729 Course
Egyptian Language (Higher) ANCIENT729 Course
Egyptian Language 1 ANCHIST724B Course
Egyptian Language 1 ANCHIST724A Course
Egyptian Language 1 ANCHIST724 Course
Egyptian Language 1 ANCIENT724 Course
Egyptian Language 1A ANCHIST210 Course
Egyptian Language 1A ANCIENT210 Course
Egyptian Language 1B ANCHIST220 Course
Egyptian Language 1B ANCIENT220 Course
Egyptian Language 2A ANCIENT310 Course
Egyptian Language 2A ANCHIST310 Course
Egyptian Language 2B ANCHIST340 Course
Egyptian Religion ANCHIST252 Course
Egyptian Religion ANCIENT352 Course
Egyptian Religion ANCIENT252 Course
Egyptian Religion ANCHIST352 Course
Emperors and Peasants: Society in Late Imperial Ch HISTORY222 Course
Emperors and Peasants: Society in Late Imperial Ch HISTORY322 Course
Empire and Insurgency, 1840-19 HISTORY713B Course
Empire and Insurgency, 1840-19 HISTORY713A Course
Epistemology 1 PHIL747 Course
Epistemology 2 PHIL748 Course
Ethical Theory PHIL268 Course
Ethical Theory PHIL368 Course
Ethical Theory 2 PHIL211 Course
Ethics 1 PHIL726 Course
Ethics 2 PHIL727 Course
Ethics and Justice PHIL104 Course
Europe: Medieval to Modern HUMS101 Course
European Continental Phil 1 PHIL757 Course
European Continental Phil 2 PHIL758 Course
European Continental Phil 3 PHIL759 Course
Exhibiting Cultures MUSEUMS704 Course
Exhibiting Cultures MUSEUMS704A Course
Exhibiting Cultures MUSEUMS704B Course
Exhibiting Cultures: Internati MUSEUMS700 Course
Exhibiting Cultures: Māori and MUSEUMS705 Course
Exploring Pacific Art ARTHIST730A Course
Exploring Pacific Art ARTHIST730 Course
Exploring Pacific Art ARTHIST730B Course
Fifth Century Athens ANCHIST258 Course
Fifth Century Athens ANCIENT358 Course
Fifth Century Athens ANCIENT258 Course
Fifth Century Athens ANCHIST358 Course
Foundation English 1 ENGLISH91F Course
Foundation English 2 ENGLISH92F Course
Foundation History TFCHIST91F Course
Foundation History 1 HISTORY91F Course
Foundation History 2 HISTORY92F Course
Framing the Viewer: 20th Centu ARTHIST231 Course
Framing the Viewer: 20th Centu ARTHIST331 Course
Freedom, Rights and Justice PHIL103 Course
From Descartes to Hume PHIL267 Course
From Descartes to Hume PHIL309 Course
From Peace to War: An International History of Eur HISTORY338 Course
From Peace to War: An International History of Eur HISTORY238 Course
From Rhetorics to Writing ENGLISH350 Course
From Romantics to Victorians ENGLISH313 Course
Games, Rationality and Choice PHIL266 Course
Geo-theory ENGLISH708 Course
Global Art Histories ARTHIST115G Course
Global Art Histories ARTHIST115 Course
Global History HISTORY103 Course
Global History HISTORY103G Course
Global History of Photography ARTHIST246 Course
Global History of Photography ARTHIST346 Course
Global Justice PHIL767 Course
Global Literatures: Contested Spaces ENGLISH112 Course
Global South: New World Texts ENGLISH113 Course
God and Morality PHIL762 Course
Greece and Persia ANCHIST302 Course
Greece and Persia ANCHIST202 Course
Greek and Roman Comedy CLASSICS220 Course
Greek and Roman Comedy ANCIENT225 Course
Greek and Roman Comedy ANCIENT325 Course
Greek and Roman Comedy CLASSICS320 Course
Greek and Roman Epic Poetry CLASSICS210 Course
Greek and Roman Epic Poetry ANCIENT300 Course
Greek and Roman Epic Poetry ANCIENT200 Course
Greek and Roman Epic Poetry CLASSICS310 Course
Greek Language (Higher II) ANCIENT742B Course
Greek Language (Higher II) ANCIENT742 Course
Greek Language (Higher II) ANCIENT742A Course
Greek Language (Higher III) ANCIENT744A Course
Greek Language (Higher III) ANCIENT744 Course
Greek Language (Higher III) ANCIENT744B Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCHIST739B Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCHIST739 Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCIENT739A Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCIENT739B Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCIENT739 Course
Greek Language (Higher) ANCHIST739A Course
Greek Philosophy PHIL204 Course
Gt Books: Seduction & Betrayal ENGLISH102G Course
Gt Books: Seduction & Betrayal ENGLISH102 Course
Health, Medicine and Society HISTORY210 Course
Health, Medicine and Society HISTORY367 Course
Health, Medicine and Society HISTORY725A Course
Health, Medicine and Society HISTORY725B Course
Historians of Greece ANCHIST324 Course
Historians of Rome ANCHIST314 Course
History and Performance DRAMA202A Course
History and Performance DRAMA202B Course
History of Philosophy 1 PHIL754 Course
History of Philosophy 2 PHIL755 Course
History of Philosophy 3 PHIL756 Course
Icon and Narrative: Egypt, Greece and the Aegean ANCHIST351 Course
Icon and Narrative: Egypt, Greece, and the Aegean ANCHIST251 Course
Imaging the Renaissance ARTHIST225 Course
Imaging the Renaissance ARTHIST325 Course
Indigenous People & Museums MUSEUMS701 Course
Inside the Museum MUSEUMS702 Course
Insider Histories HISTORY712A Course
Insider Histories HISTORY712B Course
Intermediate Logic PHIL222 Course
Internship ARTSGEN301 Course
Internship CAREER300 Course
Interpreting Janet Frame ENGLISH782A Course
Interpreting Janet Frame ENGLISH782B Course
Intro to Ancient Greek Lang 1 GREEK100 Course
Intro to Ancient Greek Lang 2 GREEK101 Course
Intro to Arts and Humanities TFCARTS92F Course
Intro to Latin Language 1 LATIN100 Course
Intro to Latin Language 2 LATIN101 Course
Introduction to Ethics PHIL102 Course
Introduction to Latin Lang 1 LATIN100G Course
Introduction to Logic PHIL101 Course
Ireland since 1798 HISTORY265 Course
Ireland Since 1798 HISTORY365 Course
Islam and the Contemp World THEOREL106G Course
Islam and the Contemporay Wld THEOREL106 Course
Issues in Ancient Culture ANCIENT749B Course
Issues in Ancient Culture ANCIENT749A Course
Jane Austen & Charlotte Brontë ENGLISH731 Course
Kant and Hegel PHIL340 Course
Kant and Hegel PHIL220 Course
Language, Truth and Meaning PHIL306 Course
Latin Lang Acqn: Intermediate LATIN200 Course
Latin Language (Higher II) ANCIENT743B Course
Latin Language (Higher II) ANCIENT743A Course
Latin Language (Higher II) ANCIENT743 Course
Latin Language (Higher III) ANCIENT745 Course
Latin Language (Higher III) ANCIENT745B Course
Latin Language (Higher III) ANCIENT745A Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCHIST741A Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCHIST741B Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCIENT741A Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCIENT741 Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCHIST741 Course
Latin Language (Higher) ANCIENT741B Course
Latin Literary Texts 2A LATIN201 Course
Latin Literary Texts 2B LATIN202 Course
Latin Literary Texts 2C LATIN203 Course
Latin Literary Texts 2D LATIN204 Course
Latin Literary Texts 3A LATIN301 Course
Latin Literary Texts 3B LATIN302 Course
Literary Theory and Critical Practice ENGLISH230 Course
Literature and the Contemporar ENGLISH101 Course
Literature From Sonnets to Comics ENGLISH111 Course
Literature USA: from the Ameri ENGLISH787 Course
Logic 1 PHIL736 Course
Logic 2 PHIL737 Course
Long Play DRAMA717A Course
Long Play DRAMA717B Course
Love and Death in Greek and Roman Literature CLASSICS130 Course
Love and its Literature ENGLISH352 Course
Love&DeathinGreek&RomanLit ANCIENT130 Course
Major Works: 16th and 17th Centuries ENGLISH314 Course
Making Mdrn America 1865-1919 HISTORY257 Course
Making Mdrn America 1865-1919 HISTORY357 Course
Making Sense of the Sixties HISTORY341 Course
Making Sense of the Sixties: t HISTORY241 Course
Making Sex: Modern Histories of Sex HISTORY206 Course
Making Sex: Modern Histories of Sex HISTORY306 Course
Mao Zedong, Revolut and China HISTORY313 Course
Mao Zedong, Revolutn and China HISTORY213 Course
Masters Thesis MUSEUMS796X Course
Masters Thesis ARTHIST796X Course
Masters Thesis ENGLISH796Y Course
Masters Thesis MPTHEO796Y Course
Masters Thesis HISTORY796Y Course
Masters Thesis DRAMA796Y Course
Masters Thesis DRAMA796X Course
Masters Thesis ENGLISH796X Course
Masters Thesis MUSEUMS796Y Course
Masters Thesis HISTORY796X Course
Masters Thesis ARTHIST796Y Course
Mdv Cltr: Faith, Pwr, Idtt HISTORY339 Course
Mdv Cltr: Faith, Pwr, Idtt HISTORY239 Course
Medieval and Early Modern Women ENGLISH748 Course
Medieval Mentalities, Western Europe c.1100-1500 HISTORY319 Course
Medieval Mentalities, Western Europe c.1100-1500 HISTORY219 Course
Medieval Philosophy PHIL302 Course
Medieval Women, c.1100-1500 HISTORY736B Course
Medieval Women, c.1100-1500 HISTORY736A Course
Melville and Conrad ENGLISH727 Course
Metaphys Struct of the World PHIL261 Course
Metaphys Struct of the World PHIL361 Course
Metaphysics 1 PHIL740 Course
Metaphysics 2 PHIL741 Course
Metaphysics 2 PHIL741A Course
Metaphysics 2 PHIL741B Course
Middle English Literature: Major Works ENGLISH747 Course
Middle English Popular Literature ENGLISH264 Course
Middle English Popular Literature ENGLISH302 Course
Middle English: Chaucer and Romance ENGLISH359 Course
Middle English: Chaucer and Romance ENGLISH200 Course
Middle English: Major Works ENGLISH341 Course
Milton and Poetic Authority ENGLISH701 Course
Mind, Knowledge, and Reality PHIL100 Course
MLitt Classical Studies CLASSICS798A Course
MLitt Classical Studies CLASSICS798B Course
MLitt Drama DRAMA798A Course
MLitt Drama DRAMA798B Course
MLitt English ENGLISH798A Course
MLitt English ENGLISH798B Course
MLitt English part-time ENGLISH791 Course
MLitt English part-time ENGLISH791A Course
MLitt English part-time ENGLISH791B Course
MLitt Greek GREEK798B Course
MLitt Greek GREEK798A Course
MLitt History HISTORY798B Course
MLitt History HISTORY798A Course
MLitt in Art History (P-T) ARTHIST797B Course
MLitt in Art History (P-T) ARTHIST797A Course
MLitt in Art History (P-T) ARTHIST797 Course
MLitt Latin LATIN798A Course
MLitt Latin LATIN798B Course
MLitt Museums & Cultural Herit MUSEUMS798A Course
MLitt Museums & Cultural Herit MUSEUMS798Y Course
MLitt Museums & Cultural Herit MUSEUMS798X Course
MLitt Museums & Cultural Herit MUSEUMS798B Course
MLitt Philosophy PHIL798B Course
MLitt Philosophy PHIL798A Course
MLitt Thesis Ancient History ANCHIST798A Course
MLitt Thesis in Ancient History ANCHIST798B Course
MLitt Thesis in Art History ARTHIST798B Course
MLitt Thesis in Art History ARTHIST798A Course
MLitt Thesis in History HISTORY798X Course
MLitt Thesis in History HISTORY795 Course
MLitt Thesis in History HISTORY795B Course
MLitt Thesis in History HISTORY795A Course
MLitt Thesis in Philosophy PHIL798X Course
MLitt Thesis in Philosophy PHIL798Y Course
MLitt Thesis in Theology THEOLOGY798X Course
MLitt Thesis in Theology THEOLOGY798Y Course
MLitt Thesis in Theology THEOLOGY798A Course
MLitt Thesis in Theology THEOLOGY798B Course
Mod Writing & CriticalThinking ENGLISH305 Course
Modal Logic PHIL216 Course
Modern Poetry: Making it New ENGLISH222 Course
Modernism and Design ARTHIST210 Course
Modernism and Design ARTHIST310 Course
Modernism and the Contemporary ENGLISH705 Course
Modernist Spaces ENGLISH206 Course
Modernist Transformations ENGLISH216 Course
MPhil in Greek GREEK850A Course
MPhil in Greek GREEK850B Course
MPhil Thesis in Philosophy PHIL850A Course
MPhil Thesis in Philosophy PHIL850B Course
Museums Past and Present MUSEUMS750 Course
Museums: Past and Present ARTHIST718 Course
Museums: Past and Present ARTHIST718B Course
Museums: Past and Present ARTHIST718A Course
Māori Art History: Mana Taonga ARTHIST338 Course
Māori Art History: Mana Taonga ARTHIST238 Course
Nazi Germany and its Legacies HISTORY217 Course
Nazi Germany and its Legacies HISTORY317 Course
New Zealand and Pacific Drama DRAMA203 Course
New Zealand and Pacific Drama DRAMA303 Course
New Zealand Cultural History HISTORY252 Course
New Zealand Cultural History HISTORY352 Course
New Zealand Literature ENGLISH221 Course
New Zealand Literature ENGLISH355 Course
New Zealand Social History: Whānau, Family, Sex HISTORY216 Course
New Zealand Social History: Whānau, Family, Sex HISTORY316 Course
Nineteenth Century Literature ENGLISH219 Course
Norman Conquests, Norman Voices, c. 900-1215 HISTORY268 Course
Norman Conquests, Norman Voices, c. 900-1215 HISTORY368 Course
Old Regime and Revolution HISTORY324 Course
Old Regime Rev: France 1750 HISTORY224 Course
Opening the Archive ENGLISH718 Course
Pacific History: An Intro HISTORY104 Course
Pacific Literature in English ENGLISH204 Course
Pacific Poetry ENGLISH700 Course
Partcpt, Collabrt, Photogrpy ARTHIST700A Course
Partcpt, Collabrt, Photogrpy ARTHIST700 Course
Partcpt, Collabrt, Photogrpy ARTHIST700B Course
Pedagogy and Performance ENGLISH778 Course
Performance Skills DRAMA302 Course
Performance Skills DRAMA719 Course
PhD English ENGLISH898 Course
PhD Greek GREEK898 Course
PhD History HISTORY898 Course
PhD in Art History ARTHIST898 Course
PhD Latin LATIN898 Course
PhD Philosophy PHIL898 Course
PhD Theology THEOLOGY898 Course
PhD Thesis in Ancient History ANCHIST898 Course
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics PHIL221 Course
Phil for Childrn Theory & Prac PHIL701 Course
Philosophical Logic PHIL738 Course
Philosophical Writing in Antiq ANCIENT250 Course
Philosophical Writing in Antiq ANCIENT350 Course
Philosophical Writing in Antiquity CLASSICS250 Course
Philosophical Writing in Antiquity CLASSICS350 Course
Philosophy and Computation LOGICOMP301 Course
Philosophy and the Environment PHIL250 Course
Philosophy and the Environment PHIL351 Course
Philosophy and Theories of Human Nature PHIL152 Course
Philosophy for Children PHIL301 Course
Philosophy of Ancient Greece and Rome CLASSICS120 Course
Philosophy of Biology PHIL363 Course
Philosophy of Biology PHIL263 Course
Philosophy of Language PHIL202 Course
Philosophy of Language PHIL739 Course
Philosophy of Language PHIL322 Course
Philosophy of Law PHIL217 Course
Philosophy of Law PHIL337 Course
Philosophy of Law PHIL730 Course
Philosophy of Logic PHIL323 Course
Philosophy of Mind PHIL320 Course
Philosophy of Mind PHIL200 Course
Philosophy of Mind 1 PHIL745 Course
Philosophy of Mind 2 PHIL746 Course
Philosophy of Religion PHIL327 Course
Philosophy of Religion PHIL207 Course
Philosophy of Religion 1 PHIL742 Course
Philosophy of Religion 2 PHIL743 Course
Philosophy of Religion 3 PHIL744 Course
Philosophy of Science PHIL260 Course
Philosophy of Science PHIL360 Course
Philosophy of Science 1 PHIL749 Course
Philosophy of Science 2 PHIL750 Course
Philosophy of the Arts PHIL212 Course
Philosophy of the Arts PHIL332 Course
Philosophy of the Arts 1 PHIL731 Course
Philosophy of the Arts 2 PHIL732 Course
Playwriting DRAMA718 Course
Political Philosophy 1 PHIL728 Course
Political Philosophy 2 PHIL729 Course
Political Philosophy 3 PHIL310 Course
Popular Fiction ENGLISH732B Course
Popular Fiction ENGLISH732A Course
Postcolonial Literary Studies ENGLISH702 Course
Postcolonial Memory: Ireland ENGLISH217 Course
Postcolonial Memory: Ireland ENGLISH316 Course
Power and Piety: The Baroque ARTHIST324 Course
Power and Piety: the Baroque ARTHIST224 Course
Power,Critique&Emancipation PHIL225 Course
Power,Critique&Emancipation PHIL345 Course
Preparatory English 1 ENGLISH91P Course
Preparatory History 1 HISTORY91P Course
Presentation&PerformanceSkills DRAMA100 Course
Presentation&PerformanceSkills DRAMA100G Course
Print in Northern Europe 1470- ARTHIST215 Course
Problems in Epistemology PHIL218 Course
Problems in Epistemology PHIL338 Course
Production & Management Skills DRAMA306 Course
Production and Arts Management Skills DRAMA705 Course
Public Art: Politics & Process ARTHIST706 Course
Public Art: Politics & Process ARTHIST706B Course
Public Art: Politics & Process ARTHIST706A Course
Public Art:Issues & Cntroversy ARTHIST719 Course
Racial Histories HISTORY111 Course
Radical Change: 1850-1940 ARTHIST200 Course
Radical Change: 1850-1940 ARTHIST300 Course
Radical Transformations: Modern Art 1875-1950 ARTHIST222 Course
Radical Transformations: Modern Art 1875-1950 ARTHIST322 Course
Reading Sacred Texts 1 THEOREL303 Course
Reading Sacred Texts 1 THEOREL203 Course
Reading Sacred Texts 2 THEOREL304 Course
Reading Sacred Texts 2 THEOREL204 Course
Reading/Writing/Text ENGLISH121G Course
Reading/Writing/Text ENGLISH121 Course
Reinventing Ireland ENGLISH361 Course
Reinventing Ireland ENGLISH266 Course
Religion and Crime Fiction THEOREL217 Course
Religion and Crime Fiction THEOREL317 Course
Religion and Violence THEOREL305 Course
Religion and Violence THEOREL205 Course
Religion in Film and TV THEOREL306 Course
Religion in Film and TV THEOREL206 Course
Religion, Gender and Sexuality THEOREL211 Course
Religion, Gender and Sexuality THEOREL311 Course
Religions in New Zealand THEOREL320 Course
Religions in New Zealand THEOREL201 Course
Religious Texts of Terror THEOREL301 Course
Religious Texts of Terror THEOREL209 Course
Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden ARTHIST722 Course
Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden ARTHIST722A Course
Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden ARTHIST722B Course
Representing Imagining ENGLISH769 Course
Research Essay THEOLOGY781 Course
Research Essay THEOLOGY782 Course
Research Essay ENGLISH780 Course
Research Essay ENGLISH780X Course
Research Essay ENGLISH780B Course
Research Essay ENGLISH780A Course
Research Essay ARTHIST793 Course
Research Essays ENGLISH713B Course
Research Essays ENGLISH713A Course
Research Essays ENGLISH770 Course
Research Essays ENGLISH713 Course
Research Essays in Ancient Culture ANCHIST756B Course
Research Essays in Ancient Culture ANCHIST756 Course
Research Essays in Ancient Culture ANCHIST756A Course
Research Portfolio MUSEUMS797B Course
Research Portfolio HISTORY797A Course
Research Portfolio GREEK797B Course
Research Portfolio ANCHIST797A Course
Research Portfolio DRAMA791 Course
Research Portfolio DRAMA791B Course
Research Portfolio LATIN797A Course
Research Portfolio DRAMA797A Course
Research Portfolio ENGLISH797A Course
Research Portfolio HISTORY797B Course
Research Portfolio LATIN797B Course
Research Portfolio DRAMA797B Course
Research Portfolio MUSEUMS797A Course
Research Portfolio GREEK797A Course
Research Portfolio ANCIENT797B Course
Research Portfolio ANCHIST797B Course
Research Portfolio ARTHIST795B Course
Research Portfolio DRAMA791A Course
Research Portfolio PHIL797X Course
Research Portfolio PHIL797Y Course
Research Portfolio ARTHIST795X Course
Research Portfolio ARTHIST795A Course
Research Portfolio PHIL797A Course
Research Portfolio ANCIENT797A Course
Research Portfolio PHIL797B Course
Research Portfolio ARTHIST795Y Course
Research Portfolio ENGLISH797B Course
Research Project ENGLISH781 Course
Research Project MUSEUMS780 Course
Research Project ARTHIST790 Course
Research Project PHIL782 Course
Research Project HISTORY780 Course
Research Project LOGICOMP782X Course
Research Project ARTHIST794 Course
Research Project PHIL782A Course
Research Project PHIL782X Course
Research Project DRAMA790 Course
Research Project PHIL782B Course
Research Project LOGICOMP782B Course
Research Project ARTHIST790U Course
Research Project LOGICOMP782A Course
Research Project DRAMA790A Course
Research Project ARTHIST790A Course
Research Project ARTHIST790B Course
Research Project ARTHIST794A Course
Research Project ARTHIST794B Course
Research Project HISTORY780A Course
Research Project HISTORY780B Course
Research Project HISTORY780X Course
Research Project MUSEUMS780U Course
Research Project HISTORY780U Course
Research Project MUSEUMS780X Course
Research Project PHIL782U Course
Research Project MUSEUMS780A Course
Research Project MUSEUMS780B Course
Research Project LOGICOMP782 Course
Research Project DRAMA790B Course
Rethinking History HISTORY737A Course
Rethinking History HISTORY737B Course
Rethinking New Zealand History HISTORY107 Course
Rethinking NZ Art and Curating ARTHIST314 Course
Rethinking NZ Art and Curating ARTHIST214 Course
Rise and Fall of the USA HISTORY108 Course
Roman History ANCHIST103 Course
Roman History ANCIENT103 Course
Roman Revolutions ANCHIST360 Course
Roman Revolutions ANCIENT360 Course
Roman Revolutions ANCIENT260 Course
Roman Revolutions ANCHIST260 Course
Rsh Essay in Ancient Culture ANCIENT756 Course
Saints and Sinners c.300-8 HISTORY735A Course
Saints and Sinners c.300-800 C HISTORY735B Course
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche PHIL329 Course
Selected Greek Texts 1 GREEK707B Course
Selected Greek Texts 1 GREEK707 Course
Selected Greek Texts 1 GREEK707A Course
Selected Latin Texts 1 LATIN707 Course
Selected Latin Texts 1 LATIN707A Course
Selected Latin Texts 1 LATIN707B Course
Semester One Production DRAMA710 Course
Semester One Production DRAMA710A Course
Semester One Production DRAMA710B Course
Semester Two Production DRAMA711 Course
Settlers and Empire HISTORY700B Course
Settlers and Empire HISTORY700A Course
Sex & Power in Greece and Rome ANCIENT316 Course
Sex & Power in Greece and Rome ANCIENT216 Course
Sex and Power in Greek and Roman Literature CLASSICS316 Course
Sex and Power in Greek and Roman Literature CLASSICS216 Course
Sex&Gender in Middle Millenniu HISTORY326 Course
Sex&Gender in Middle Millenniu HISTORY256 Course
Sexual Histories: Western Sexualities from Medieva HISTORY102 Course
Shakespeare from Stage to Page ENGLISH711 Course
Shakespeare on Screen ENGLISH300 Course
Shakespeare: Comedies & Tragic ENGLISH265 Course
Shakespeare: Comedies and Trag ENGLISH310 Course
Shakespeare: Selct Plays Poems ENGLISH706 Course
Shakespeare: Selected Plays and Poems ENGLISH706B Course
Shakespeare: Selected Plays and Poems ENGLISH706A Course
Shock of Modern ARTHIST109 Course
Sites of Resistance ARTHIST731 Course
Social Welfare in New Zealand, 1840-2000 HISTORY262 Course
Social Welfare in New Zealand, 1840-2000 HISTORY362 Course
Sources and Approaches for the Ancient World ANCHIST750A Course
Sources and Approaches for the Ancient World ANCHIST750B Course
South Asian Photography ARTHIST206 Course
South Asian Photography ARTHIST313 Course
Spec Topic: Ireland since 1798 HISTORY270 Course
Spec Topic: Ireland since 1798 HISTORY370 Course
Spec Topic: Renaissance Poetry ENGLISH351 Course
Special Studies PHIL769 Course
Special Studies PHIL720 Course
Special Studies PHIL720A Course
Special Studies PHIL768 Course
Special Studies PHIL720B Course
Special Studies: Honours PHIL770 Course
Special Studies: Honours PHIL772 Course
Special Studies: Honours PHIL773 Course
Special Studies: Honours PHIL771 Course
Special Studies: Master's PHIL777 Course
Special Studies: Master's PHIL774 Course
Special Studies: Master's PHIL775 Course
Special Studies: Master's PHIL776 Course
Special Study HISTORY761 Course
Special Study HISTORY760A Course
Special Study HISTORY760B Course
Special Study ARTHIST726 Course
Special Study HISTORY761A Course
Special Study HISTORY761B Course
Special Study HISTORY760 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST263 Course
Special Topic THEOLOGY703 Course
Special Topic CLASSICS217 Course
Special Topic THEOREL313 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST724 Course
Special Topic THEOREL210 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST733 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST728 Course
Special Topic MUSEUMS751 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST349 Course
Special Topic CLASSICS215 Course
Special Topic CLASSICS315 Course
Special Topic DRAMA723 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST247 Course
Special Topic THEOREL318 Course
Special Topic THEOREL213 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST738B Course
Special Topic ANCIENT214 Course
Special Topic ANCIENT314 Course
Special Topic ANCIENT215 Course
Special Topic ANCIENT315 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST738A Course
Special Topic HISTORY742A Course
Special Topic HISTORY742B Course
Special Topic ARTHIST738 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST363 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST348 Course
Special Topic LOGICOMP201 Course
Special Topic LOGICOMP302 Course
Special Topic LOGICOMP702 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST248 Course
Special Topic LOGICOMP704 Course
Special Topic ANCIENT217 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST349 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST347 Course
Special Topic LOGICOMP705 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST249 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST261 Course
Special Topic CLASSICS317 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST737 Course
Special Topic PHIL348 Course
Special Topic PHIL349 Course
Special Topic PHIL350 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST728A Course
Special Topic PHIL721 Course
Special Topic ENGLISH360 Course
Special Topic PHIL722 Course
Special Topic ENGLISH367 Course
Special Topic PHIL723 Course
Special Topic PHIL724 Course
Special Topic PHIL725 Course
Special Topic PHIL765 Course
Special Topic HISTORY201 Course
Special Topic ENGLISH756 Course
Special Topic ENGLISH777 Course
Special Topic DRAMA723B Course
Special Topic DRAMA723A Course
Special Topic HISTORY740 Course
Special Topic DRAMA205 Course
Special Topic DRAMA724A Course
Special Topic DRAMA724B Course
Special Topic HISTORY318 Course
Special Topic MUSEUMS706 Course
Special Topic DRAMA726 Course
Special Topic DRAMA724 Course
Special Topic PHIL346 Course
Special Topic ARTHIST728B Course
Special Topic ENGLISH262 Course
Special Topic PHIL313 Course
Special Topic ANCIENT317 Course
Special Topic ANCHIST361 Course
Special Topic PHIL226 Course
Special Topic PHIL228 Course
Special Topic PHIL229 Course
Special Topic DRAMA307 Course
Special Topic PHIL307 Course
Special Topic PHIL308 Course
Special Topic PHIL230 Course
Special Topic ENGLISH261 Course
Special Topic in Biblical Studies THEOLOGY731B Course
Special Topic in Biblical Studies THEOLOGY731A Course
Special Topic in Drama DRAMA725 Course
Special Topic in Early Literature ENGLISH784 Course
Special Topic in Egyptian History ANCHIST257 Course
Special Topic in Egyptian History ANCHIST357 Course
Special Topic in Poetry ENGLISH776 Course
Special Topic in Roman History ANCHIST259 Course
Special Topic in Roman History ANCHIST359 Course
Special Topic: Drama Tools DRAMA305 Course
Special Topic: Ethics for Possible Futures PHIL766 Course
Special Topic: Freedom: Its Nature, Value and Futu PHIL763 Course
Special Topic: Latin Texts LATIN205 Course
Special Topic: Leadership in Greece and Rome CLASSICS214 Course
Special Topic: Sex, Sin, and Sovereignty in I and THEOLOGY705A Course
Special Topic: Sex, Sin, and Sovereignty in I and THEOLOGY705B Course
Special Topic: Special Topic: Leadership in Greece CLASSICS314 Course
ST: Evolu and Psych of Relign THEOREL314 Course
ST: Evolu and Psych of Relign THEOREL214 Course
ST: Jane Austen ENGLISH775 Course
ST: Māori History in Focus HISTORY721A Course
ST: Māori History in Focus HISTORY721B Course
ST: Theo and Religs Stds THEOREL208 Course
ST: Theological and Religs St THEOREL308 Course
ST:Healers,Sorcerers&Astrologe HISTORY259 Course
ST:Healers,Sorcerers&Astrologe HISTORY359 Course
ST:Museums&Politics of Culture ARTHIST715 Course
Stages of Religion ENGLISH703 Course
Studies in Early Modern Theatre DRAMA727 Course
Studies in Eng RenaissanceDram ENGLISH783 Course
Studio DRAMA709A Course
Studio DRAMA709B Course
Studio DRAMA709 Course
Studio/Project in Drama DRAMA770B Course
Studio/Project in Drama DRAMA770 Course
Studio/Project in Drama DRAMA770A Course
Studio/Project in Prac Drama DRAMA730 Course
Studio/Project in Pract Drama DRAMA730A Course
Studio/Project in Pract Drama DRAMA730B Course
Study Abroad (Egypt) ANCIENT379 Course
Study Abroad (Egypt) ANCHIST379 Course
Study Abroad (Greece) CLASSICS378 Course
Study Abroad (Greece) ANCHIST378 Course
Study Abroad (Greece) ANCIENT378 Course
Study Abroad (Rome) ANCHIST377 Course
Study Abroad (Rome) CLASSICS377 Course
Study Abroad (Rome) ANCIENT377 Course
Studying Religion: An Introduc THEOREL102 Course
Texts and Contexts HISTORY711A Course
Texts and Contexts HISTORY711B Course
The Ancient Economy ANCHIST262 Course
The Ancient Economy ANCHIST362 Course
The Ancient World at War ANCIENT256 Course
The Ancient World at War ANCHIST256 Course
The Ancient World at War ANCHIST356 Course
The Ancient World at War ANCIENT356 Course
The Art of Gender Politics ARTHIST333 Course
The Art of Gender Politics ARTHIST233 Course
The Bible and Popular Culture THEOREL101G Course
The Bible and Popular Culture THEOREL101 Course
The Craft of the Essay ENGLISH209 Course
The Craft of the Essay ENGLISH309 Course
The Gothic: Texts and Theory ENGLISH318 Course
The Later Roman Empire ANCIENT355 Course
The Later Roman Empire ANCHIST255 Course
The Later Roman Empire ANCIENT255 Course
The Later Roman Empire ANCHIST355 Course
The Modern Novel ENGLISH356 Course
The Māori 20th Century HISTORY260 Course
The Māori 20th Century HISTORY360 Course
The Novel in Greece and Rome CLASSICS330 Course
The Novel in Greece and Rome CLASSICS230 Course
The Novel, the Native and the New ENGLISH308 Course
The Print in N Eur 1470 - 1600 ARTHIST315 Course
The Reformations THEOLOGY706B Course
The Reformations THEOLOGY706A Course
The Renaissance Print ARTHIST735A Course
The Renaissance Print ARTHIST735B Course
The Renaissance Print ARTHIST735 Course
The Renaissance: Art and the C ARTHIST107 Course
The Social Text, 1350-1590 ENGLISH779 Course
TheArtofMajesty:TudorsandStuar ARTHIST345 Course
Theatre on Screen ENGLISH709 Course
Themes and Issues in Ancient Culture ANCHIST749B Course
Themes and Issues in Ancient Culture ANCHIST749A Course
Theories of Drama DRAMA701 Course
Theory & Methd in Religious St THEOREL319 Course
Theory and Method in the Study of Theology and Rel THEOLOGY700A Course
Theory and Method in the Study of Theology and Rel THEOLOGY700B Course
Theory and the Gothic ENGLISH321 Course
Theory of Applied and Professional Ethics PHIL318 Course
Thesis ANCIENT796A Course
Thesis ANCIENT794B Course
Thesis ARTHIST796A Course
Thesis THEOLOGY796Y Course
Thesis ARTHIST796B Course
Thesis PHIL799 Course
Thesis PHIL799A Course
Thesis ENGLISH793X Course
Thesis ANCIENT794A Course
Thesis ANCIENT796B Course
Thesis ANCHIST796B Course
Thesis ANCHIST793A Course
Thesis THEOLOGY796X Course
Thesis ANCHIST793B Course
Thesis ANCHIST796A Course
Thesis PHIL799B Course
Thesis ENGLISH793A Course
Thesis PHIL796A Course
Thesis THEOLOGY796A Course
Thesis MUSEUMS796A Course
Thesis ANCIENT796X Course
Thesis HISTORY796B Course
Thesis DRAMA793X Course
Thesis HISTORY796A Course
Thesis THEOLOGY796B Course
Thesis THEOLOGY799A Course
Thesis MUSEUMS796B Course
Thesis ENGLISH796B Course
Thesis THEOLOGY799B Course
Thesis ENGLISH796A Course
Thesis ENGLISH793B Course
Thesis DRAMA795A Course
Thesis DRAMA795B Course
Thesis ENGLISH793Y Course
Thesis PHIL796X Course
Thesis PHIL796B Course
Thesis LOGICOMP796A Course
Thesis DRAMA793A Course
Thesis DRAMA793B Course
Thesis DRAMA796A Course
Thesis DRAMA796B Course
Thesis GREEK794A Course
Thesis GREEK794B Course
Thesis GREEK796A Course
Thesis GREEK796B Course
Thesis LATIN794A Course
Thesis LATIN794B Course
Thesis LATIN796A Course
Thesis LATIN796B Course
Thesis THEOLOGY799 Course
Thesis LOGICOMP796B Course
Thesis PHIL796Y Course
Thesis Part -time ANCIENT799B Course
Thesis Part -time ANCIENT799A Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH795 Course
Thesis part-time LATIN799A Course
Thesis part-time GREEK799 Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST791A Course
Thesis part-time MUSEUMS799 Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST799B Course
Thesis part-time GREEK793A Course
Thesis part-time GREEK793B Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH799 Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH799A Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH799B Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST795A Course
Thesis part-time LATIN799B Course
Thesis part-time ARTHIST799 Course
Thesis part-time LOGICOMP799B Course
Thesis part-time LOGICOMP799A Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST799 Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST791 Course
Thesis part-time MUSEUMS799B Course
Thesis part-time MUSEUMS799A Course
Thesis part-time LOGICOMP799 Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST791B Course
Thesis part-time MPTHEO799A Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST795B Course
Thesis part-time ANCHIST799A Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH795B Course
Thesis part-time ENGLISH795A Course
Thesis part-time HISTORY799B Course
Thesis part-time ARTHIST799A Course
Thesis part-time HISTORY799A Course
Thesis part-time HISTORY799 Course
Thesis part-time ARTHIST799B Course
Thesis part-time GREEK799B Course
Thesis part-time GREEK799A Course
Thesis part-time MPTHEO799B Course
Thesis part-time MPTHEO799 Course
Thesis-Part time LATIN796Y Course
Thinking History: Approaches t HISTORY300 Course
Tolkien and his Worlds ENGLISH306 Course
Tolkien and his Worlds ENGLISH256 Course
Topics History of War & Peace HISTORY716 Course
Topics in Applied Logic PHIL315 Course
Topics in Pacific Art ARTHIST732 Course
Topics in the History of War a HISTORY715B Course
Topics in the History of War a HISTORY715A Course
Tops in European Cultural Hist HISTORY706B Course
Tops in European Cultural Hist HISTORY706A Course
Translation: Greek to English GREEK714A Course
Translation: Greek to English GREEK714 Course
Translation: Greek to English GREEK714B Course
Translation: Latin to English LATIN714B Course
Translation: Latin to English LATIN714A Course
Translation: Latin to English LATIN714 Course
Truth and Tolerance THEOLOGY708B Course
Truth and Tolerance THEOLOGY708A Course
Uncovering US History HISTORY734A Course
Uncovering US History HISTORY734B Course
Understanding Art: Leo to Dali ARTHIST114G Course
Understanding Art: Leo to Dali ARTHIST114 Course
Understanding the Workplace CAREER200 Course
Understanding Your Workplace CAREER101 Course
Victorian Literature ENGLISH320 Course
Virtue Theory PHIL304 Course
Waitangi: Treaty to Tribunal HISTORY227 Course
Waitangi: Treaty to Tribunal HISTORY327 Course
Ways of Seeing Contemporary Ar ARTHIST334 Course
Ways of Seeing Contempory Art ARTHIST204 Course
Writing Creative Prose ENGLISH344 Course
Writing New Zealand HISTORY705B Course
Writing New Zealand HISTORY705A Course
Writing Poetry ENGLISH343 Course
Writing Screen Stories MEDIA241 Course
Writing Screen Stories MEDIA341 Course
Writing Selves ENGLISH354 Course
Writing Selves ENGLISH263 Course
Writing World War II ENGLISH707 Course
Writing, Literacy, Poetics ENGLISH725 Course

Lists linked to Humanities

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