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Adv Classical Mechs & Electro PHYSICS741 Course
Adv Statscl Mechs & Condensed PHYSICS742 Course
Advanced Applied Geophysics 3 GEOPHYS763 Course
Advanced Applied Geophysics 3 GEOPHYS763B Course
Advanced Applied Geophysics 3 GEOPHYS763A Course
Advanced Electromagnetism and Special Relativity PHYSICS705 Course
Advanced Imaging Technologies PHYSICS780 Course
Advanced Quantum Mechanics PHYSICS703 Course
Advancing Physics 1 PHYSICS120 Course
Advancing Physics 2 PHYSICS121 Course
Advancing Physics 2 PHYSICS150 Course
Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate GEOPHYS311 Course
BAdvSci(Hons) Dissert Physics PHYSICS786 Course
Basic Concepts of Physics PHYSICS102 Course
Capstone: Geophysics GEOPHYS399 Course
Capstone: Physics PHYSICS399 Course
Classical and Statistical Physics PHYSICS315 Course
Classical and Thermal Physics PHYSICS201 Course
Classical Mechanics and Electr PHYSICS331 Course
Classical Physics PHYSICS231 Course
Climate Dynamics GEOPHYS712 Course
Condensed and Soft Matter Physics PHYSICS354 Course
Condensed Matter Physics PHYSICS754 Course
Digital Fundamentals PHYSICS140 Course
Directed Study PHYSICS681 Course
Directed Study PHYSICS715 Course
Directed Study GEOPHYS780 Course
Dissertation PHYSICS787B Course
Dissertation PHYSICS787A Course
Dissertation PHYSICS787 Course
Electromagnetism PHYSICS202 Course
Electromagnetism PHYSICS325 Course
Electronics &Signal Processing PHYSICS340 Course
Electronics and Imaging PHYSICS244 Course
Experimental Physics PHYSICS390 Course
Experimental Physics 2 PHYSICS391 Course
Fluid Mechanics PHYSICS332 Course
Fluid Mechanics and Applications PHYSICS732 Course
Foundation Physics TFCPHYS91F Course
Foundation Physics 1 PHYSICS91F Course
Foundation Physics 2 PHYSICS92F Course
Foundation Physics 2 TFCPHYS92F Course
Frontiers of Physics PHYSICS245 Course
Fundam & Apps Geophys Explorat GEOPHYS361 Course
General Relativity PHYSICS748 Course
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics GEOPHYS711 Course
Graduate Diploma Research Proj GEOPHYS690 Course
Graduate Diploma Research Proj PHYSICS690B Course
Graduate Diploma Research Proj GEOPHYS690A Course
Graduate Diploma Research Proj PHYSICS690A Course
Graduate Diploma Research Proj GEOPHYS690B Course
Honours Research Project PHYSICS789 Course
Honours Research Project PHYSICS789B Course
Honours Research Project GEOPHYS789A Course
Honours Research Project PHYSICS789A Course
Honours Research Project GEOPHYS789B Course
Honours Research Project GEOPHYS789X Course
Honours Research Project PHYSICS789U Course
Honours Research Project GEOPHYS789 Course
Integrated Basin Exploration GEOPHYS760 Course
Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering PHYSICS103 Course
Inverse Problems PHYSICS707 Course
Lasers & Electromagnetic Waves PHYSICS625 Course
Lasers & Electromagnetic Waves PHYSICS333 Course
Linear Systems PHYSICS701 Course
Masters Thesis GEOPHYS796Y Course
Masters Thesis PHYSICS796X Course
Masters Thesis PHYSICS796Y Course
Masters Thesis GEOPHYS796X Course
Mathematical Methods for Physics PHYSICS211 Course
Mechanics and Electrodynamics PHYSICS624 Course
Medical Physics PHYSICS280 Course
Models and Reality PHYSICS100 Course
Models and Reality PHYSICS100G Course
Modern Physics PHYSICS251 Course
MPhil Thesis(Physics) PHYSICS850B Course
MPhil Thesis(Physics) PHYSICS850 Course
MPhil Thesis(Physics) PHYSICS850A Course
MSc Thesis in Geophysics GEOPHYS796B Course
MSc Thesis in Geophysics GEOPHYS796A Course
MSc Thesis in Physics PHYSICS796A Course
MSc Thesis in Physics PHYSICS796B Course
Networks and Electronics PHYSICS240 Course
Nuclear Physics PHYSICS756 Course
Optics and Electromagnetism PHYSICS261 Course
Optics and Laser Physics PHYSICS326 Course
Optoelectronics PHYSICS726 Course
Optoelectronics and Communications PHYSICS727 Course
Particle Physics PHYSICS755 Course
Particle Physics & Astrophysic PHYSICS356 Course
PhD Physics PHYSICS898 Course
Photonics PHYSICS752 Course
Physics for Life Sciences PHYSICS160 Course
Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean GEOPHYS331 Course
Physics of the Earth GEOPHYS310 Course
Physics of the Earth GEOPHYS330 Course
Planets, Stars and Galaxies ASTRO100 Course
Planets, Stars and Galaxies ASTRO100G Course
Planets, Stars and Galaxies PHYSICS107G Course
Planets, Stars and Galaxies PHYSICS107 Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research GEOPHYS691A Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research GEOPHYS691B Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research PHYSICS691A Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research PHYSICS691X Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research GEOPHYS691 Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research PHYSICS691 Course
Postgraduate Diploma Research PHYSICS691B Course
Preparatory Physics 1 PHYSICS91P Course
Project in Medical Physics and Imaging Technology BTECH491A Course
Project in Medical Physics and Imaging Technology BTECH490 Course
Project in Medical Physics and Imaging Technology BTECH491B Course
Project in Optoelectronics BTECH471A Course
Project in Optoelectronics BTECH471B Course
Project in Photonics PHYSICS781 Course
Project in Physics PHYSICS788 Course
Properties of Matter PHYSICS130 Course
Quantum Field Theory PHYSICS706 Course
Quantum Mechanics PHYSICS335 Course
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics PHYSICS350 Course
Quantum Optics PHYSICS760 Course
Quantum Optics & Quantum Info PHYSICS757 Course
Quantum Physics PHYSICS626 Course
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics PHYSICS746 Course
Relativity and Quantum Physics PHYSICS203 Course
Science and Technology of Sustainable Energy PHYSICS108 Course
Science and Technology of Sustainable Energy PHYSICS108G Course
Science in Action 1 SCISCHOL101 Course
Special Study PHYSICS309 Course
Special Topic PHYSICS791 Course
Special Topic PHYSICS371 Course
Special Topic PHYSICS792 Course
Special Topic PHYSICS751 Course
Special Topics in Geophysics GEOPHYS339 Course
Statistical Mechanics and Stochastic Processes PHYSICS708 Course
Statistical Physics and Conden PHYSICS334 Course
Subsurface Characterisation GEOPHYS761 Course
Subsurface Characterisation with Potential Field M GEOPHYS762 Course
The Dynamic Universe PHYSICS753 Course
The Geophysical Environment PHYSICS213 Course
The Geophysical Environment GEOPHYS213 Course
Thesis part-time PHYSICS799 Course
Thesis part-time PHYSICS799A Course
Thesis part-time PHYSICS799B Course
Thesis part-time GEOPHYS799B Course
Thesis part-time GEOPHYS799A Course
Thesis part-time GEOPHYS799 Course
Turbulent Processes in Climate GEOPHYS713 Course
Wave Propagation PHYSICS731 Course
Waves and Potentials PHYSICS743 Course

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