Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Bible Lands: Study Abroad THEOLOGY330 Course
Biblical Hebrew 1 THEOLOGY135 Course
Biblical Hebrew 2 THEOLOGY136 Course
Biblical Studies through Biblical Lands: Study Abr THEOLOGY720 Course
Biblical Wisdom and Psalms THEOLOGY312 Course
Biblical Wisdom and Psalms THEOLOGY212 Course
Christian Understandings of Go THEOLOGY323 Course
Christian Understandings of Go THEOLOGY223 Course
Church Worship and Sacraments THEOLOGY227 Course
Church Worship and Sacraments THEOLOGY327 Course
Contemporary Issues In Theology THEOLOGY710 Course
Danger & Desire: Bib Visl Cult THEOLOGY200 Course
Danger & Desire: Bib Visl Cult THEOLOGY300 Course
Directed Study in Theology THEOLOGY335 Course
Early Jewish and Christian Tex THEOLOGY718 Course
Ecotheology THEOLOGY304 Course
Expressions of Christian Spiri THEOLOGY224 Course
Expressions of Christian Spiri THEOLOGY324 Course
Feminist Theologies THEOLOGY303 Course
Genesis THEOLOGY210 Course
Genesis THEOLOGY310 Course
Gospel of John THEOLOGY321 Course
Gospel of John THEOLOGY221 Course
Healing in Biblical Literature THEOLOGY713 Course
Historical Jesus Studies THEOLOGY712 Course
Intro to Christian Theology THEOLOGY107 Course
Islam & the Contemporary World THEOLOGY106 Course
Islam and the Contemp World THEOLOGY106G Course
Jesus the Christ THEOLOGY225 Course
Jesus the Christ THEOLOGY325 Course
Maori Theology THEOLOGY301 Course
Medieval and Reformation Churc THEOLOGY354 Course
Medieval and Reformation Churc THEOLOGY254 Course
New Testament Greek 1 THEOLOGY175 Course
New Testament Greek 2 THEOLOGY176 Course
New Zealand Church History THEOLOGY721 Course
Pacific Biblical and Theologic THEOLOGY308 Course
Paul's Letters THEOLOGY222 Course
Paul's Letters THEOLOGY322 Course
Practical Theology Methodologies THEOLOGY715 Course
Prophets:Voices Protest & Hope THEOLOGY311 Course
Prophets:Voices Protest & Hope THEOLOGY211 Course
Public Theology THEOLOGY319 Course
Public Theology THEOLOGY219 Course
Reading the Bible THEOLOGY103 Course
Religions in New Zealand THEOLOGY201 Course
Religious Comms and Media THEOLOGY226 Course
Religious Comms and Media THEOLOGY326 Course
Religious Themes in the Arts THEOLOGY306 Course
Special Topic THEOLOGY234 Course
Special Topic THEOLOGY334 Course
Special Topic in Biblical Stud THEOLOGY231 Course
Special Topic in Biblical Stud THEOLOGY331 Course
Special Topic in Biblical Stud THEOLOGY731 Course
Special Topic in Biblical Studies THEOLOGY732A Course
Special Topic: Grace and Sacrament THEOLOGY733A Course
Special Topic: Grace and Sacrament THEOLOGY733B Course
Special Topic: Religion in the Visual Arts THEOREL212 Course
Special Topic: Religion in the Visual Arts THEOREL312 Course
Spirituality and Well-being THEOLOGY711 Course
ST: Christian Thought & Histor THEOLOGY232 Course
ST: Christian Thought & Histor THEOLOGY332 Course
ST: Practical Theology THEOLOGY233 Course
ST: Practical Theology THEOLOGY333 Course
ST:Christian Thought&History THEOLOGY732 Course
Studying a Synoptic Gospel THEOLOGY213 Course
Studying a Synoptic Gospel THEOLOGY313 Course
Technology, Media and God THEOLOGY714 Course
The Bible in Popular Culture THEOLOGY101G Course
The Bible in Popular Culture THEOLOGY101 Course
The Bible, Ideology and Interpretation THEOREL103 Course
The First Christian Centuries THEOLOGY104 Course
The Modern Church THEOLOGY255 Course
The Modern Church THEOLOGY355 Course
The Origins of Christianity THEOREL100 Course
The Reformations THEOLOGY704 Course
Theological Anthropology and E THEOLOGY215 Course
Theological Anthropology and E THEOLOGY315 Course
Truth and Tolerance THEOLOGY722 Course

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