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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Exercise Assessment and Prescription EXERSCI271 Course
Approved Exchange GENADMINXCFA Course
Architecture and Political Philosophy ARCHHTC701 Course
Arts ARTFAC Faculty
Atlantic Revolutions HISTORY271 Course
Being Human ANTHRO108 Course
Bioengineering Institute BIOENGINST Faculty
Business & Economics BUSEC Faculty
Cloud Computing for Business Professionals COMPSCI7000MC Course
Coastal Management ENVMGT748 Course
Conservation of Materials HERCONS702 Course
Creative Arts & Industries CAI Faculty
Criminology: Indigenous and Global CRIM207 Course
Designing the Wider Curriculum 2 EDCURRIC637 Course
Economic Policy Analysis ECON305 Course
Education & Social Work EDUFAC Faculty
Engineering ENGFAC Faculty
Environmental Management in Practice ENVMGT701 Course
Global Education Policy for All? EDUC212 Course
Hauora EDCURRM111 Course
Healthcare Decision Support Systems DIGIHLTH704 Course
Human Resource Policy and Practice BUSMAN730 Course
Internship 1 INTERNSP700 Course
Internship 2 INTERNSP701 Course
Internship 3 INTERNSP702 Course
Internship 4 INTERNSP703 Course
Interpreting for Communities TRANSLAT101 Course
Introduction to Communication nd Leadership COMMS105 Course
Ko Wai Tātou? Who Are We? ARTSGEN103 Course
Law LAWFAC Faculty
Library LIBRARY Faculty
Library LIBFAC Faculty
Liggins Institute LIGGINS Department
Management and Marketing PROPPRAC700 Course
Maori MAORI Faculty
MBChB Years 4-6 MBCHB456 Course
Medical & Health Sciences MEDFAC Faculty
Ngā Pou for Mana-enhancing Practice SOCWORK200A Course
Ngā Pou for Mana-enhancing Practice SOCWORK200B Course
Organisational Development ORGDEV Department
Professional Early Childhood Practice 1 EDPROFST115 Course
Research in action HLTHSCI800 Course
Science SCIFAC Faculty
Social Media MEDIA214 Course
Social Work and Social Justice SOCWORK101A-B Course
Social Work and Social Justice SOCWORK101A Course
Special Study SOCWORK180 Course
Special Topic: Complex Litigation LAWHONS752B Course
Special Topic: Complex Litigation LAWHONS752A Course
Special Topic: Indigenous Peoples, Criminal Law and Justice LAWGENRL407 Course
Special Topic: Perioperative Nursing Specialty NURSPRAC727 Course
Study Group Foundation Studies FSTDCERT Department
Teacher Leadership for Learning Equity EDCURRIC722 Course
Technology Law and Policy LAWGENRL408 Course
TESOL Education in Context EDPROFST216 Course
TESOL in Practice I EDPROFST217 Course
Test TEST Faculty
The Global Economy and New Zealand BUSMAN774 Course
Translating Biomedical Science into Therapeutic Strategies BIOSCI765 Course
Understanding Communication in Māori and Pacific Worlds COMMS101 Course

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